You can prepare for a jump for a very long time, get used to the treadmill surface, take a run-up, but still never jump.
Design is a beautiful thing. A systematic, detailed representation of the problem space and its solution reveals errors and identifies opportunities for improvement, sometimes in quite radical ways. Specifications play an important role in this, as they define the template for building the system. It is very important to carefully consider the entire architecture—both at the macro level, examining the interaction between components, and at the micro level, delving into the behavior of the components themselves.
Unfortunately, architects often get carried away with the design process, falling under the charm of architectural abstractions. However, by themselves specifications have no value. The ultimate goal of a software project is a fully functioning system. The architect must always keep this goal in mind and remember that design is just merely a means, not an end. The architect of a skyscraper who disregards the laws of physics for the sake of the building’s elegance is doomed to soon regret it. about this. If you lose sight of the ultimate goal – working code – the project serious troubles are starting.
Respect your colleagues who are working on implementing your vision of the system. Listen to them. If they have issues with your design, it is quite possible that they are right, and the design is flawed or, at the very least, unclear. In such cases, aligning the design with practical requirements is your immediate task, and you can solve it by communicating with your team members who will help you determine what works and what doesn’t. No design is perfect from the start; any design is subject to changes as it is implemented. If you are involved in a project as a developer, learn to appreciate the time spent writing code, and don’t believe those who say it only takes time away from working on the architecture. You will gain a much more accurate vision of the project on both macro and micro levels after you try to breathe life into your creation yourself.